It's Knot You, It's Me ...

We are already 2 weeks into the opening of Annabella's Song, this being the first "Product Related" post, obviously there is stuff in the store already, so we will do out best to not only post new items on the blog but also, from time to spot light some of the items already out that never got there day on the blog ... hopefully!

It's Knot You It's Me!

Sounds like a cheesy break up line, it's right up there with "Your too good for me" anyway, so far this has been one of out most popular items, we even have a free one in the Subscribomatic (Come snag one if you didn't already, limited time only) It's available as both a fat pack and singles.

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and yes "Not" is spelled incorrectly as "Knot" due to the fact it's a tied shirt ... don't say I spelled it wrong or you get slapped with a dead fish!